Different Types of X-ray Variability Observed in Micro-Quasar GRS 1915+105 with the IXAE P.C.Agrawal,S.Naik,B.Paul,A.R.Rao and J.S.Yadav Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 005 , India The galactic micro-quasar source GRS 1915+105 has been observed with the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment ( IXAE ) several times over a period extending from 1996 to 2000. This source has been observed in different luminosity states and exhibits a rich variety of random and regular x-ray variability over a wide time scale. The micro-quasar also shows a unique variability characteristic namely the occurence of quasi-regular x-ray bursts with period ranging from 20 s to about 100 s which have slow rise and fast decay. The x-ray spectrum of these bursts is hardest near the end of decay. In the low-hard state and bright-soft state with rapid variability , the source exhibits quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with variable frequency which is luminosity dependent. Regular x-ray intensity dips have been detected following the occurence of a giant radio outburst. The source made a transition from a low state to bright state in 1999 and from a soft-bright state to a hard-low state in 2000 in less than 100 minutes during the IXAE observations. Details of this and other variability characteristics of the source will be presented in this paper.