Accretion disk-corona models: X-ray variability amplitude and spectral variability Kawaguchi T.$^1$ $^1$Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Japan We present two topics related to the X-ray variability in accretion disk-coronae of AGNs from theoretical point of views. [1] It is numerically shown that the magnetic turbulence in an accretion flow approaches towards a saturating level where the mean magnetic pressure $\simeq$ 10\% of gas pressure. We analyzed the simulated MHD flow at the quasi-steady state, and found the clumpy, fractal spatial structure and temporal power spectral density in a power-law fashion. Assuming that the thermal energy in the flow is proportional to mean X-ray flux and that magnetic fields in each clump provide sporadic energy release, the fractional variability amplitude at certain timescale [e.g., $10 \, R_{\rm Sch}/V_{\rm Kepler}(10R_{\rm Sch}) \, \propto M_{\rm BH}$] does not depend on $M_{\rm BH}$. That can be the basic physics behind the $M_{\rm BH}$- determination method by Hayashida et al. [2] We constructed an accretion disk-corona model which accounts for the spectral energy distribution of AGNs from optical to hard X-ray simultaneously. The model exhibits different spectral slopes in X-ray ($\alpha \sim$ 1.5 below 2keV and $\sim$ 0.5 above, where $F_{\nu} \propto \nu^{- \alpha}$) as the results of different emission mechanisms and different sites; the former slope is due to unsaturated Comptonization from the innermost zone and the latter is due to a combination of the Comptonization and bremsstrahlung from the entire corona ($\leq$ 300 $R_{\rm Sch}$). The X-ray spectral variability expected from this model will be discussed.