Iron Line Properties of the Seyfert-1 Galaxy ``MCG$-$6-30-15'' Observed with ASCA Matsumoto C.$^1$, and Inoue H.$^1$ $^1$ISAS, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan One of the most remarkable discoveries of ASCA is a broad and skewed feature around 5--7~keV in the spectrum of the Seyfert-1 galaxy MCG$-$6-30-15. This feature is well explained by considering that it is fluorescent lines coming from the innermost region of an accretion disk. If this interpretation is correct, the study of this profile is very important. In order to confirm the validity and correctness of the disk-line interpretation, we investigated the iron line properties of MCG$-$6-30-15, by more systematic and more model-independent ways than previously done, by using the ASCA data of the three long-term observations. We made spectral analysis on short and long time scales. The ``Red'' line flux does not follow the continuum flux on a time scale of $2\times10^4$~s. An inverse correlation was found between the equivalent width and the continuum flux on a time scale of $2\times10^5$~s. We also evaluated variability amplitude of the count rate on various time scales for 15~energy bands. It was suggested that a presence of time variation on a time scale longer than 10$^{5}$~s, which appears only in the continuum bands other than the disk-line band. We make discussions both on the disk-line model and on an alternative model.