(R.A., Dec)=(274.840143,-25.40718)
MJD=55050.0 - 60160.1863656
Estimated Process time: 767.527954841 minutes
0:00:00 queued
0:00:01 (extract) GSC Events(low)
0:49:05 (extract) calculating GSC GTIs
2:10:14 (extract) SSC Events
3:15:52 (extract) calculating SSC GTIs
3:23:35 (building products) image
3:32:30 (building products) light curve
4:30:09 (building products) GSC spectrum
4:36:50 (building products) SSC spectrum
4:43:50 (building products) GSC response
4:44:20 (building products) SSC response
4:45:07 (finished)
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     summary plots(test) 
     mxkwtool result (if alert mode)