(R.A., Dec)=(270.301667,-25.743361)
MJD=60503.0 - 60523.0
Estimated Process time: 4.0 minutes
0:00:00 queued
0:00:00 (extract) GSC Events(low)
0:00:15 (extract) calculating GSC GTIs
0:00:24 (building products) image
0:00:46 (building products) light curve
0:01:05 (building products) GSC spectrum
0:01:08 (building products) GSC response
0:01:21 (finished)
  • Download Region file(On-source).
    Download Region file(background).
    0.66 deg (270.284,-25.079) GX_5-1,1RXS_J180108.7-250444 2.18 deg (272.685,-26.15) SAX_J1810.8-2609 2.90 deg (267.233,-24.895) Terzan_5,EXO_1745-248,IGR_J17480-2446 3.09 deg (266.983,-26.564) GX_3+1,1RXS_J174755.8-263352 3.88 deg (271.749,-29.408) XTE_J1807-294 3.97 deg (268.063,-22.343) XTE_J1752-223 4.11 deg (274.84,-25.407) V4641_Sgr,SAX_J1819.3-2525 4.44 deg (266.761,-28.883) SAX_J1747.0-2853 5.04 deg (266.523,-29.515) 1A_1742-294,2E_1742.9-2929,GC_X-1 5.21 deg (270.385,-20.529) GX_9+1,1RXS_J180132.3-203132 5.28 deg (264.571,-26.994) SLX_1735-269,1RXS_J173817.0-265940 6.08 deg (267.223,-20.362) NGC_6440,4U_1745-203,H_1745-203 6.31 deg (277.243,-25.03) MAXI_J1828-249 6.67 deg (263.008,-24.746) GX_1+4,V2116_Oph 6.70 deg (277.368,-23.797) GS_1826-238,V4634_Sgr 6.77 deg (275.92,-30.361) NGC_6624,H_1820-303

  • Download spectrum and rmf files.
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     summary plots(test) 
     mxkwtool result (if alert mode)