[X-ray-star:62] A possible new transient at the position (R.A., Dec) = (236.117, -56.483)

maxiweb maxiweb at maxi.riken.jp
Sun May 8 19:20:12 JST 2011

A possible new transient, but it should be confirmed. (H.N.)

MAXI transient alert
2011-05-08 04:21:15 UT

[Ground Trigger ID]
ID          :  5689825191

[Count Weighted Position]
RA,Dec: (236.561, -56.189)
Galac.: (325.553,  -1.202)
Eclip.: (247.937, -35.283)

[Triggered Criteria]

[Highest Significance]
DPTC :  988863690
UT   :  2011/05/08 04:21:15
on   :  1d (Med-band)

[Observed flux]
L :   -107.0 mCrab (  140.0)
M :   -266.0 mCrab (  383.0)
H :   -544.0 mCrab (  993.0)
( ): background flux

nearby(r<5deg) object
dist  flux  (RA, Dec)        name
[deg][mCrab]  [deg]
0.72     67.0 (237.75, -56.48)  V381 Nor,XTE J1550-564
1.82  unknown (234.74, -57.71)  V343 Nor
3.64    612.2 (230.17, -57.17)  Cir X-1,BR Cir
3.84      8.9 (235.60, -52.39)  4U 1538-52,QV Nor
4.94     15.7 (240.26, -60.74)  1H 1556-605,LU TrA

[Sun/Moon (RA, Dec)]
Sun :  (44.632, 16.946)
Moon:  (104.715, 20.956)
age: 5.30 day

(14.26N, 116.39W)

We will report more detailed information on this event to ATel and/or GCN.


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