[X-ray-star:876] 4U 0923-31

maxiweb at maxi.riken.jp maxiweb at maxi.riken.jp
Thu Sep 1 10:56:38 JST 2022

Increased flux possibly from 4U 0923-31, according to our estimate in
the 4--10 keV band. The estimated source position is (R.A., Dec) =
(141.003 deg, -31.700 deg) = (09 24 00, -31 41 59) (J2000) with a
statistical 90% C.L. elliptical error region with long and short radii
of 0.62 deg and 0.42 deg, respectively. The roll angle of long axis
from the north direction is 134.0 deg counterclockwise. There is an
additional systematic uncertainty of 0.1 deg (90% containment radius). 
(T.Kawamuro, M.Serino)

MAXI transient alert
2022-08-31 17:10:30 UT

[Ground Trigger ID]
ID          :  9822569000

[Count Weighted Position]
RA,Dec: (141.005, -31.609)
Galac.: (259.461,  13.250)
Eclip.: (156.836, -43.951)

[Triggered Criteria]
S  :  4d
M  :  4orb

[Highest Significance]
DPTC  : 1346001042
UT    : 2022/08/31 17:10:30
on    : 4d (S-band)
sigma : 0.6

[Observed flux]
S :      6 +-    10 mCrab
L :      4 +-     9 mCrab
M :     16 +-    19 mCrab
H :     89 +-    85 mCrab

nearby(r<5deg) object
dist  flux  (RA, Dec)        name
[deg][mCrab]  [deg]
0.55  unknown (140.40, -31.45)  4U 0923-31
1.15  unknown (142.32, -31.39)  XTE J0929-314,INTREF 390
4.17  unknown (136.17, -32.38)  T Pyx
4.81  unknown (143.80, -35.82)  HR 3823

[Sun/Moon (RA, Dec)]
Sun :  (159.634, 8.582)
Moon:  (208.079, -10.080)
age: 4.55 day

(11.40S, 85.86W)


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