October 31st, 2010 by Mitsuhiro Kohama
October 28th, 2010 by Tatehiro Mihara
We open daily spectra of ten bright sources today. There
is a spectrum plot following light curves and images for each source
page. The spectrum is fitted with wabs * power-law model
and the parameters are written in the plot. One can download the
spectrum, background and response files by clicking “Download spectrum,
background and response” below the plot. After extracting the tar.gz
file, one can fit the spectrum with your XSPEC software. The sources
whose spectrum is available are Crab, Sco X-1, Cen X-3, Her
X-1, GX 9+9, GX 9+1, GX 13+1, GX 17+2, GRS 1915+105, and Cyg X-2.

The daily spectrum of Crab, which is available at http://maxi.riken.jp/top/index.php?cid=1&jname=J0534+220
October 26th, 2010 by Motoki Nakajima
We reported in Atel#2970
(Mihara et al.) that MAXI/GSC detected a new activity from X-ray pulsar
A0535+262. The figure shows the recent four light curves folded with
115-day outburst period. The current consecutive activities exhibit the
outbursts and precursor events at phases ~0.2 and ~0.95,
respectively. The phase zero is taken at MJD 55153.5, which is the
periastron passage prior to the previous giant outburst.

October 20th, 2010 by Satoshi NAKAHIRA
The MAXI/GSC has detected a faint X-ray transient, MAXI
J1409-619, with a position of (R.A., Dec) = (212.26, -61.95) =
(14h09m02s.4, -61d57m00s.0) (J2000) with a typical error of about 0.2
The 4-10 keV images and light curves taken by GSC are shown below.
Detailed results will be reported in an ATel. The bright dMe star 1RXS
J141108.2-615601 is marginally within an error circle, but follow-up
observations are required to solve the nature of this source.

September 30th, 2010 by Mitsuhiro Kohama
MAXI team reported three detections of the transient events to Astronomer’s Telegram (ATEL) in September, 2010.
September 28th, 2010 by sugizaki
We reported in ATEL#2873
(Negoro et al.) that MAXI/GSC detected a new X-ray transient, MAXI
J1659-152 at (RA,Dec)=(264.79, -15.27) (J2000), whose position is
consistent with the location of GRB100925A reported in GCN#11296 (Mangano et al.).
The GSC light curve since UT 2010-09-21
00:00 (MJD 55460.0) is shown in the below. The X-ray brightening seems
to start around 2010-09-25 00:00 (MJD 55464.0) . The latest light-curve
data will be updated on the data-product web page.

September 2nd, 2010 by Mitsuhiro Kohama
We are pleased to announce the 4th International MAXI
workshop “The First Year of MAXI: Monitoring variable X-ray sources” to
be held at Aoyama Gakuin University (Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan) during
November 30th and December 02nd in 2010.
Please direct your browser to the conference web site for additional details and access to the registration form.
MAXI workshop LOC
August 31st, 2010 by Mitsuhiro Kohama
MAXI team reported three detections of the transient events to Astronomer’s Telegram (ATEL) in August, 2010.
And MAXI team also reported one GRB event to GCN: The Gamma-ray bursts Coordinates Network.
August 25th, 2010 by Motoko Serino
MAXI GSC detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB 100823A). The image and
the light curves of the burst are shown below. The position of the
source came into the field of view of MAXI GSC ~10s before the trigger
of Swift/BAT. The burst was seen for about 25s within the transit of

GSC scans the position of the burst from right top to left bottom on
the image. The position of the red cross in the image is the position of
the burst reported by Swift BAT.

The raw light curves (not corrected for collimator response) of GRB100823A.
July 31st, 2010 by Mitsuhiro Kohama
MAXI team reported four detections of the transient events to Astronomer’s Telegram (ATEL) in July, 2010.
And MAXI team also reported one XRF event to GCN: The Gamma-ray bursts Coordinates Network.